
Our swimming sessions are an excellent way of helping our children further develop their motor skills. Children with tight or low muscle tone can really benefit from being in warm water.  Whilst the water helps to relax the child and their muscles, the water is also supporting their weight, meaning they are able to carry out more movements than they might otherwise be able to do.  The exercises not only help to increase flexibility and strength, but also improve the child’s stamina.   

 We use a fully heated pool with two qualified instructors who are in the water with the children and parents.  This enables the instructors to show parents how best they can support their child in the water.

Some of the parents who attend our swimming sessions have shared their experience of how taking part in this activity has helped their child.

“Annabella loves her swimming lessons and her confidence in the water is growing with each session. We have managed to encourage Annabella to hold onto the bar at the side of the pool with both hands, a great achievement for Annabella. I would highly recommend!” Christina Turner mother of Annabella.  

“Within a few moments of being in the heated water you could see the pure joy on Connie’s face.  She was splashing about with her arms with the biggest smile on her face.” Laura mother of Connie  

 Swimming sessions take place on a Tuesday and Thursday – 12.30pm to 1.00pm. 

Lessons are held at Horsham Swim School, Morriswood, Old Holbrook, Horsham RH12 4TW. Please see the Google Map below for location. To book your space please contact: 01444 473274 

Our swimming sessions are offered free of charge to our families and we could not do this without the support of the community. 

Explore our other services

Conductive Education

Conductive Education is learning for life. Purposeful, enabling, dynamic, it seeks to harness potential by creating new neural pathways in the brain resulting in improved functional ability and life skills.

Speech and Language Therapy

25% of all children with cerebral palsy are nonverbal therefore making their thoughts and feelings harder to express. Our highly skilled Speech and language therapist works with children to help them explore all forms of communication.

Outreach Services

Our Outreach worker provides support for families in their own home, on a 1-2-1 basis.  Ensuring that all children are involved in play and supporting them on their journey.

Music Therapy

Music therapy is based on the belief that everyone has the ability to respond to music. Within sessions, a child is supported to access opportunities for communication and self-expression using a wide range of musical instruments, songs that the child knows and improved expressions.